How to Have Your Best Year Yet

Mountainside M Logo By Mountainside
woman raising her arms celebrating the new year up in sunset for 2018

New Year, same you (only better!) The New Year is a perfect opportunity to get around to doing all those things you have been putting off for weeks, months, maybe even years. You know what we’re talking about ⎼ that gym membership you pay for but never use, that old car you were going to fix up but never did, those meatless Mondays that never happened. Well, it’s time to stop saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” and start acting today.

Start small and focus on realistic goals. Aiming for unrealistic results will only leave you discouraged and most likely cause you to abandon your goal completely. Setting small, attainable goals is the best way to make sure that the changes you make are going to stick.

Try some of these simple tips to give yourself a productive and happy New Year.

Treat Your Body Right

It is no secret that weight loss is one of the most common goals for people come January 1st, but this year, instead of setting a weight-based end goal for yourself, try making this into a lifestyle goal instead. Vowing to get healthy rather than skinny will not only help you treat your body right but it will teach you to love your body. Perhaps you can cook at home more times during the week. Try to drink more water and less soda. Get more sleep and set some alone time aside to relax. Or try to take 10,000 steps every day. Simple things like this will help you to lead a healthier lifestyle overall and are easier to stick to than setting a weight loss goal. Many of these things can also be done with a friend. Having someone to help keep you motivated and accountable can make it easier than just trying to do it alone.

Try New Things

The New Year is a great time to try out that new hobby that you’ve been putting off. You can use this time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Maybe you’re looking to exercise your comedy chops and join an improv group, or perhaps you’re trying to make yoga and meditation a part of your daily routine, instead of an occasional thing. During this time, there will be a lot of other people also trying out new things, so you won’t feel so alone being the newbie in the group, and you might even make a new friend! And remember, you don’t have to leave home to get a hobby. You can try things like knitting or drawing. Doing these activities more often will help keep you focused and feeling accomplished.

Manage Your Money

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can provide you with some peace of mind and comfort, which is why properly managing your finances is so important. By setting a budget, you’ll be able to focus on the things that matter to you and save money for things you have always wanted. Stop talking about that vacation to Europe and make it happen! It’s attainable if you cut out some excess spending and start a savings account. Budgeting doesn’t have to mean spending less money (though that can help); it just means spending your money wisely and knowing where it is going. That money you spend on your daily coffee can be easily saved by making a cup at home instead. Simple things like that will help you save more money in the long run!

Write it Down

If you’re not already keeping a diary, journaling is a great way of increasing mindfulness and appreciation for things in your life as well as a great outlet for processing how you are feeling. You don’t have to start writing detailed entries from day one, if you’re new to it though. You can start by writing down one thing that happened to you that day, or one thing that you’re grateful for. Doing this will help you to see all the good things in your life and will help you to chart the year, giving you something to look back at when the year is over.

Give Back

Generosity is one of the proven habits of happy people: giving to others gets us a lot in return. Plan gifts and cards for people you love ahead of time, and you’ll find yourself feeling happier and less stressed than you would if you waited until the last minute. Beyond that, you don’t have to spend money to be generous. You can be generous with your time, making more time for meaningful relationships with those you love. You can be generous with your words by being more complimentary to those around you, leading to stronger, more positive relationships with them. This is an easy way to build relationships and increase your own personal happiness in the process.

Go at Your Own Pace

Instead of resolving to do something once a day, try breaking it down into doing something once a month. Maybe you want to go to a new restaurant or a concert once a month that you’ve never been to before. Maybe you want to volunteer once a month, or donate to an organization that you are passionate about. These things will give you something to look forward to and plan for once a month, and it is a much easier goal to achieve because you don’t have the pressure of trying to do it every day. And of course, you can set a different interval if you find that you enjoy doing it, such as bi-weekly or even weekly.

What all of these suggestions boil down to is this: starting small is going to make it easier to stick to your goals, and they should be easily attainable things that will improve the overall quality of your life. No matter how small your goal is, if it’s something that you are going to be able to stick to, then it’s worthwhile! Let’s all resolve to make 2018 our best year yet!

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