

Stories of Transformation: Alison B.

Alison B. struggled with substance abuse for most of her early life and ended up in the ICU after a heroin relapse. Listen to and read her story here.

My Journey as a Gay Man in Recovery

For years, Kevin used alcohol to cope with who he was and who he thought he needed to be. His drinking eventually spiraled into alcoholism, and he found at risk of losing everything. In this article, Kevin shares how accepting who he is has played a critical role in his recovery.

Trading Cocktails for Connections: My Sober Dating Journey

The idea of dating while sober used to be horrifying to me, but after years of dipping in and out of the dating pool, I've learned a lot about myself and my recovery.

11 Lessons I Learned in 11 Years of Sobriety

In 2008, Jessica made the decision to change her life. Now, with 11 years of sobriety under her belt, she is sharing lessons that she has learned along the way.