

Study Links Regular Alcohol Consumption to Skin Cancer

It’s no secret that drinking alcohol on a regular basis can be dangerous to your health. You can add another risk to that list ─ skin cancer.

Drinking to Get Drunk

Binge drinking is very popular on college campuses. Find out why people drink to get drunk and how to build healthy habits in college.

The Truth Behind the High Rates of Substance Abuse in the LGBTQ Community

According to the American Psychological Association, minority stress is behind it. While times have changed, members of the LGBTQ community are still the minority and face incredible amounts of discrimination and prejudice that can trigger stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.

Study: Binge Drinking Could Be Harmful to Your Baby - Even Before You’re Pregnant

We all know that drinking during pregnancy is harmful, and even potentially deadly for the fetus, but a recent study has found that heavy drinking even before conception could impact the health of future children.

Recognizing the Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic

"Social drinking" can be a disguise for alcoholism. Answer these questions to spot alcohol dependence in your own life or a loved one’s.

How Addiction Changes Your Personality

Addiction alters brain activity, leading to personality changes. Find out the different ways addiction can affect you and what you can do to reclaim your life.

What Doctors Are Doing About the Opioid Epidemic

Once believed to be helpful medications, opioids were frequently prescribed to patients for chronic pain management. Now, they have proved to be dangerous and highly addictive.

Study: 17% of College Students Misuse ADHD Drugs

According to a recent study by researchers at the University of South Carolina, 1 in 6 college students – or 17 percent – misuse Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) drugs like Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall.

Alcohol Poisoning: Everything You Need to Know

Though alcohol is legal, many episodes of binge drinking result in fatal outcomes. Discover why this behavior should be taken more seriously.